• Host a Panel

    Want to participate in Anime Expo’s programming lineup? We welcome both industry members and fans to present panels and workshops at Anime Expo.

Looking to host a panel or workshop at Anime Expo? We’ve got you covered! Each year Anime Expo strives to bring you the best content from the Industry and from the Community, and we are proud to host huge announcements, premieres, and connect fans and industry at our panels.

From long-standing industry giants to up-and-coming indie studios and devoted fans, we welcome all to be part of AX’s exciting and diverse Industry and Community programming! Planning to bring special guests for your panel? Check out the Make an Appearance page for more information on how to participate as an Industry Appearance! Apply today and be part of the excitement! Keep reading for more info!

Last Day to Apply 3/6/2025

Apply Now!

Important Panel Information

Panel / Workshop Overview

  • Panels: A ‘Panel’ type event is typically a presentation or discussion between the host and audience. For instance, many attendee panelists enjoy hosting their panels while in cosplay, often roleplaying their character while they interact with the crowd. Industry panel events often introduce or announce information about their upcoming projects, as well as feature Q&A sessions with the creative staff and/or voice actors.
  • Workshops: A ‘Workshop’ type event is focused on teaching the audience something. Past workshops have taught attendees how to play traditional taiko drums, create props for cosplay, and various techniques for model making. Workshop-specific rooms include tables for attendees to utilize. We encourage anyone that is interested to come and share their knowledge with others!

Panelist Participation Agreements and Acknowledgement Form

Please see the Panelist Participation Policy on our legal page.

Available Equipment in Standard Panel/Workshop Rooms

Below is a list of equipment that comes standard with a panel or workshop room. Any additional items must be requested in the application phase. However, please note that these requested items are not guaranteed to be available. Please be sure to plan accordingly.

  • 2 – 3 Wired Microphones
  • Projector and Screen(s)
  • HDMI and VGA hookups for audio/video
  • Classroom Style Tables (if in a workshop room)

Cancellations & Replacements

New panel applications will not be accepted during Anime Expo.
To cancel a panel, simply submit a notice of cancellation via email to programming@fate-antenna.com no later than one month prior to the event (May 23, 2025).

If a panel is cancelled, then SPJA may fill that empty slot with another panel from the waitlist. The scheduling of Panels during Anime Expo is done solely for the purpose of filling in a time slot after a cancellation.

In order to be considered for a replacement for a cancellation, prospective panelist or workshop hosts must have already completed Step 1 no later than March 6, 2025 (date subject to change) and received a confirmation of their addition to the waitlist.

Only those who have been placed on the waitlist and applied before the panel application deadline will be considered for replacing a canceled panel.

Filming Your Panel

If you are planning to film your panel, please carefully review the information below:

SPJA’s Filming Location Agreement (Terms and Conditions are Non-Negotiable)
The following information may be subject to change.

A Filming Location Agreement (FLA) is required if you plan to film your panel for commercial purposes, which includes but are not limited to any of the following:

  • The purpose of sale to anyone
  • Bonus content for home release (DVD/Blu-Ray)
  • Concurrent live-stream (outside of the AX Live-stream)
  • Post-event streams
  • Television broadcast for non-press related reason (i.e. variety show, documentary, etc…)
  • Videos posted on website, social media, and other promotional platforms
  • Documentary film
  • Filming/recording with professional camera person or crew

The following provisions must be met in order to capture footage of your panel for commercial purposes:

  • To ensure proper handling of the application we are requesting that you submit an application no later than May 16, 2025.
  • Signing a Filming Location Agreement
  • Obtaining, and providing your certificate of insurance for, liability, property damage insurance, and media liability insurance
  • Payment of a Filming Location Fee to be determined by SPJA (starting at $2,500 per day)
  • Please reach out to marketing@spja.org for more information and a Filming Location Agreement. The deadline to submit an application for a Filming Location Agreement is May 16, 2025. Click on the Filming Location Agreement application below to start the process.

FLA Application

Things that do not require a Filming Location Agreement:

  • Cell phone footageFootage captured outside AX event areas (AX Event Areas Include: Los Angeles Convention Center, JW Marriott)
  • Event Recaps, Highlights, Still Photography, Social Media Stories

**No photo/video capture is permitted in adult content areas such as booths, events, or panels.**

Panel Application Process

  • Submit Your Application

    One application must be submitted for each panel and/or workshop. Prospective panelists and workshop hosts can submit their ideas using the online application portal:

    Apply Now!

    *Note: You must be 18 years old or older in order to host a panel. Any panel participants who are under the age of 18 will need a parent/guardian signature on a waiver provided to panelists onsite.

  • Review of Submitted Applications

    Submitted applications will be reviewed by the AX Programming team and selected for scheduling.

  • Wait to Hear Back

    Each panel applicant will receive a notice letting them know if either their panel or workshop has been approved.

  • Review Your Panel Dossier

    Accepted panelists and hosts will be provided with a Panel Dossier outlining the following:

    • Panel schedule(s)
    • Check-in times and procedures
    • Tech check schedule
    • Badge information
    • Panel policies and procedures
    • Panelist waiver and acknowledge forms information
    • General panelist participation information

    Panelists and hosts are expected to review their Panel Dossiers to ensure a smooth user experience for themselves as well as Anime Expo attendees.

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