Anime Expo is thrilled to announce the Anime Expo Lite Cosplay Spot-Lite Competition Presented by Arda Wigs and hosted by Yaya Han! We are also thrilled to include an incredible panel of cosplay Judges for this brand new cosplay event: GarnetHart Costumiers from USA, Hoku Props from USA, Mistvein from Belgium, Panterona Cosplay from Trinidad and Tobago, and Shema of Twiin Cosplay from Mexico!
The Cosplay Spot-Lite Competition is a solo entry craftsmanship competition where competitors across the United States can share the incredible Japanese Pop Culture Cosplay they have all be working on over the last year for the chance to win our Best in Show Prize Package including gift certificates from Arda Wigs, Jacquard Products, and Cut/Sew Sewing Patterns as well as a round trip flight to Ireland for 2 with 3 night hotel stay and an on-location photoshoot provided by Arda Wigs to celebrate the opening of Arda Wigs Europe!
This contest will have Beginner, Intermediate, and Master Craftsmanship levels to showcase the growing talent of our cosplay community! We hope to give competitors the opportunity to compete with something brand new, something that has been in progress during lockdown, or to shake the dust off something they have yet to win a major award with! Please review the rules to see if your costume qualifies!
Prizes include Best of each Division, the return of Match Your Mask-querade, Judges Awards, Special Prizes, and, of course, an incredible Best in Show Prize Package!
We are excited to include prizes from Arda Wigs, Jacquard Products, Cut/Sew Sewing Patterns, and more! Check out our rules for a full breakdown of our prizing coming soon!
The application will open on Monday, June 7 at 12:00 pm PST and will be first come, first served as we will have a cap on our entries. Applications will close either when all slots have filled or by June 14 at 11:59pm.
We can’t wait to see what everyone has been working on!
Questions? Please send them to
Meet the Judges & Our Host:
Anime Expo Lite 2021 will stream via Tixr July 3-4, with additional content available via VOD July 5-16. All proceeds will benefit the commUNITY Action Fund by Hate Is A Virus.
Download our mobile app to stay up-to-date on announcements!